Lecture Notes - General Microbiology

Lecture notes from the Autumn 2006 semester at London Metropolitan University, Module BM1003N. Please cite me if you quote from my notes. I'd appreciate being told about this, as well (you don't have to, but it's nice to know).

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Week 5

Today's Topics:
○ Prokaryote Cell Biology

Lecture Topic:
During the lecture, take notes here.
○ Viable count calculation checker on WebCT
○ Average adult has approximately 1014 cells.
○ 10% of these are human cells
○ 10% are bacteria
○ Bacteria on skin prevent colonisation by pathogens.
○ Approx 2000 people die per year in UK from undiagnosed infections.
○ Some bacteria have multiple chromosomes - most eukaryotes have linear chromosomes.
○ Plasmids are rare in eukaryotes - yeast has one.
○ Flagella
§ Movement is termed motility - something that can move is motile.
§ Bacteria swim in straight lines - flagella in cooperation - if not in cooperation, bacteria tumble.
§ Flagella arrangements:
□ Single, at one end, or at both ends - polar
□ All over cell - peritrichous
§ Not all species are motile - flagella are not universal.
§ Protein
○ Pili
§ Generally found in gram-negative bacteria
§ Allow bacterium to adhere to solid surfaces (e.g. in alimentary canal)
§ Sex pilus allows transfer of genetic bacteria (covered in detail in genetics II)
§ Protein
○ Capsule / slime layer
§ A matter of degree - a slime layer is a thin capsule
§ Thickness varies by species and environment
§ Protects cell from desiccation
§ Allows cell to adhere to solid surface
§ Allows cell to evade immune system - resists phagocytosis.
§ Generally associated with pathogens.
§ Protein and/or Carbohydrate
○ Cell wall
§ Found in almost all species
§ Gram staining depends on nature of cell wall.
§ Gram positive cells homogenous 20-80 nm wall.
§ Gram negative cell walls in layers:
□ Outer membrane - 8-10 nm
□ (periplasmic space) - widely variable or absent
□ Rigid layer - 1-3 nm
§ Peptidoglycan is only in bacteria, not in eukarya or archea. (aka mucopeptide).
§ PG made of n-acetyl glucosamine & n-acetyl muramic acid - alternating units in linear chains, cross-linked with short proteins, (about 10aa), in a 3d mesh.
§ Teichoic Acid - mixture of sugar alcohols, cross-liked with phosphates
§ Lipopolysaccharides - often toxic, and can be cause of symptoms of gram negative infections. - trigger immune response.
○ Plasma membrane
§ Much the same as in eukaryotes
§ Energy generation is carried out on PM, as no mitochondria.
○ Mesosome
§ Infolding of membrane to increase area for energy generation.
○ Storage Granules
§ Volutin - phosphorus store - stained pink by methylene blue
§ Polysaccharides - iodine stains starch blue , glycogen red-brown
§ Also sulphur, gases
○ Endospores - survival mechanism - allow cell to survive adverse conditions (not reproduction)


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