Lecture Notes - General Microbiology

Lecture notes from the Autumn 2006 semester at London Metropolitan University, Module BM1003N. Please cite me if you quote from my notes. I'd appreciate being told about this, as well (you don't have to, but it's nice to know).

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Week 1

Today's Topics:
o Introduction and Historical Perspectives

Read "system of work for use of microbiology laboratories", page 19

Lecture Topic:
o Module details on WebCT (or will be)
o Attendance Requirement on practicals.
o Record of Results Booklet must be signed by a member of the teaching team at the end of each practical session.
o Coursework 1: Microbiological Problems - due 10th November. (20%)
o Coursework 2: Record of Results booklet - due 8th December (20%)
o Lab coats are now supplied.
o Impact:
• Nitrogen fixing, etc
• Food preservation, fermentation
• Disease
• Biofuels
• Bioremediation
• Microbial Mining
• Biotech - gmfoods, pharmaceuticals, gene therapy
o 20 times more bacteria than human cells in body
o Effects on civilisation
• Spread of disease in and by armies
• Urbanisation - cramped, unhygienic conditions
• World trade and travel - rapid spread of disease
• Bubonic plague - killed 25M of 100M in europe & north africa in 1 year.
• Last century ha seen massive fall in disease as killer
• 50% of children died from infectious disease by age 10 befoe C20.
o Jenner
o Pasteur
o Robert Koch - developed techniques still used today - worked with anthrax.
• Pure culture methods
• Platinum loop
• Agar (Fannie Hesse - husband worked in lab - tried for jams but was too hard; suggested he tried for cultures)
• Petri Dish (RJ Petri)
• Team confirmed 15 significant diseases caused by microbes.

o Lister - antiseptics (Koch used perchloride of mercury; this is now deprecated as it is a pollutant)
o Anton De Bary - extended to plants. (potato blight - ref famine)
o Iwanowski - identified potato mosaic virus by filtration (too small to see under optical microscope)
o Rous
o Fleming
o Evolution (ref foundation biology)
o 50's Stanley Tyler & Elso Arghoorn - fossil stromatolites.
o Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
o Escherichia Coli can reproduce in 20 min, in ideal conditions
o Archea - have ether linked membrane lipids - discovered by Carl Woese, in 1977.


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