Lecture Notes - General Microbiology

Lecture notes from the Autumn 2006 semester at London Metropolitan University, Module BM1003N. Please cite me if you quote from my notes. I'd appreciate being told about this, as well (you don't have to, but it's nice to know).

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Week 2

Today's Topics:
○ Origin of life on Earth & microbial evolution

Lecture Topic:
During the lecture, take notes here.
○ Life cannot exist without liquid water
○ The atmosphere was anoxic when life first evolved, so the first life must have been anaerobic.
○ Temperatures were higher, so early life must have been thermophilic, living in environments such as hydrothermal systems.
○ Photosynthetic bacteria were probably not the first organisms, but are thought to have evolved early. First Pb were probably not oxygen producing.
○ Archea are not photosynthetic.
○ PS thought to have evolved in purple-green bacteria.
○ Cyanobacteria developed oxygenic photosynthesis, about 2.5-3.0 billion years ago. By 2.5 to 1.5 billion years ago free oxygen was present in atmosphere, as a result.
○ This had a profound effect - aerobic respiration provides massively more energy than anaerobic, used by almost all life today.
○ Also lead to development of ozone layer, reducing UV at surface and its mutagenic effects.
○ This permitted evolution of more complex forms of life.
○ Anaerobic prokarya: 4.0 billion years ago.
○ Anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria: 3.0-3.5 billion years ago.
○ Eukarya appeared about 2 billion years ago
○ Microbial Nutrition
○ Energy: Light, inorganic, or organic compounds?
○ Carbon: CO2 or organic compounds
○ Photoautotrophic: obtain energy from light, and carbon from CO2.
○ Photoheterotrophic: obtain energy from light, and carbon from organic compounds. (Cannot fix from CO2.)
○ Chemoautotrophic: Energy from oxygenation of inorganic compounds, egg ammonia or H2S, and carbon from CO2.
○ Chemoheterotrophic: obtain both energy and carbon from organic compounds.
○ Possible early metabolic types
○ Oparin argues that initial metabolic type was simple heterotrophic bacterium. - only needs a few enzymes.
○ Autotrophic organisms are more complex, as they need multiple pathways, and so would have evolved later.
○ Others argue that early life forms may have been hydrogen bacteria, obtaining energy from oxidation of hydrogen. Both bacteria and archea types are known, using CO2 for carbon.
○ Many of these are anaerobic, and so could have fit in with early conditions.
○ Temperature and growth
○ Cardinal temperatures:
§ Optimum: fastest replication: range 0-75C
§ Minimum: no growth below: enzymes inactive, membranes solidify; al low as -20C
§ Maximum: no growth above: cell may die - enzymes denatured, membranes break down; as high as 120C.
§ Pressure can permit fluid water at unusual temps.
○ Upper limit for protozoa: 50C
○ Upper limit for algae & fungi: 55-60C
○ Classification by temp:
§ Psychrophile: Optimum temperature <15C
§ Psychrotroph (facultative psychrophiles): 20-30C eg: fungi, etc.
§ Mesophiles: 20-45C eg most human pathogens
§ Thermophiles: 55-65C
§ Hyperthermophiles: 80-113C
○ Oxygen and growth
○ Obligate aerobes - completely dependent on oxygen - includes almost all multicellular organisms
○ Facultative aerobes - do not need oxygen, but grow better with it.
○ Aerotolerant anaerobes - grow equally well with or without oxygen
○ Obligate anaerobe - killed by oxygen.
○ Microaerophiles - damaged by normal concentration of oxygen (20%)
○ pH and growth
○ Habitats range fro 0.2-2.0 at the acid end to 9-10 at the alkaline.
○ Acidophiles optimum 0-5.5
○ Neutrophiles optimum 5.5-8.0
○ Alkaliphiles optimum 8.0-11.5
○ Eg fungi prefer 4-6; malt extract agar is used to culture.
○ Most bacteria and protozoa are neutrophiles.
○ Osmotic concentration
○ Nonhalophile:adversely affected by high concentration.
○ Halotolerant: Able to grow over a range of concentrations.
○ Moderate Halophile: prefers high levels of NaCl - above 0.2M to grow. (eg Staphyllococcus)
○ Extreme Halophile: requires high levels - 2M to saturation (about 6.2M)
○ Microorganisms and Ecosystems
○ Primary producers: eg Algae - make organic matter from CO2 and water.
○ Primary consumers: eg Protozoa - feed on bacteria and fungi.
○ Decomposers: eg Fungi - break down organic matter into inorganic compounds.
○ Prefered conditions:
○ Protozoa prefer wet, fungi prefer dry.
○ Some prefer rhizosphere (area around roots) - eg nitrogen fixing bacteria (no eukarya can fix nitrogen)
○ Symbiosis: eg e. coli in gut -make vitamins that we cannot.
○ Impact of Bacteria and Archea on biogeochemical cycles
○ Carry out significant reactions that are crucial to operation of biosphere
○ Nitrogen, iron, sulphur, carbon cycles.
○ Carry out steps that no eukarya can.
○ Carbon cycle: carbon fixation (photosynthesis), methanogenesis, CO oxidation.
○ Nitrogen cycle: nitrogen fixation, nitrification, nitrate reduction, mineralisation.
○ Microbial Interactions
○ Mutualism: eg aphid & buchnera aphidicola - cannot reproduce independantly - 60-80 bacterisides, containing buchnera, which produce nitrogen compounds, vitamins, and amino acids not provided by diet.
○ Tube worm - trophosomes contain microorganisms that oxidise H2S and fix CO2.
○ Rumen ecosystem - read up for coursework.
○ Commensalism:eg e.coli in the gut - one gets advantage, other is neutral (some list as mutualistic - we get vitamin b from e coli)
○ Parasitism one is at expense of other. (pathogens)
○ No archea are parasitic
○ Predation: one eats another - bdellovibrio, vampirococcus, daptobacter.


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